Jessamyn Stanley
Jessamyn Stanley is an internationally acclaimed voice in wellness. As an award-winning yoga instructor and entrepreneur, she is the founder of The Underbelly, a streaming wellness app and community, and co-host of the podcast Dear Jessamyn. She is a regular contributor to SELF magazine, has been featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine (UK), and covered in the New York Times, Vogue, Glamour, Sports Illustrated, and Women’s Health. She is also the author of Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance and Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get on the Mat, Love your Body.

Jessamyn Stanley is an internationally acclaimed voice in wellness. As an award-winning yoga instructor and entrepreneur, she is the founder of The Underbelly, a streaming wellness app and community, and co-host of the podcast Dear Jessamyn. She is a regular contributor to SELF magazine, has been featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine (UK), and covered in the New York Times, Vogue, Glamour, Sports Illustrated, and Women’s Health. She is also the author of Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance and Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get on the Mat, Love your Body.
In her efforts to minimize her footprint and live a minimalist life, Jessamyn Stanley learns something unexpected: She can choose to love who she is right now, messiness and all.