Michelle Thaller
Dr. Michelle Thaller is the Assistant Director of Science at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. After a post-doctoral research fellowship at Caltech, she became interested in public outreach and science communication, and served as the public outreach lead for the Spitzer Space Telescope at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She has worked at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC, on strategic communications. Michelle is one of the hosts of Discovery Science Channel’s “How the Universe Works” and “Space’s Deepest Secrets.” She hosted the podcast “Orbital Path” for PRX.

Dr. Michelle Thaller is the Assistant Director of Science at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. After a post-doctoral research fellowship at Caltech, she became interested in public outreach and science communication, and served as the public outreach lead for the Spitzer Space Telescope at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She has worked at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC, on strategic communications. Michelle is one of the hosts of Discovery Science Channel’s “How the Universe Works” and “Space’s Deepest Secrets.” She hosted the podcast “Orbital Path” for PRX.